Goodbye, World! Poster

Goodbye, World!

1m/1f | Ten-minute

June — 52. A bit world-weary, a bit disheveled, but with love and a glimmer of hope in her eyes. The protector.
Duncan — 24. Hardened, determined. Feels most comfortable in a suit. The destroyer.

She doesn't care about you, June. She is a mess of wire. She is metal. She thinks of you as her janitor, her nurse. She doesn’t even know who you are.

Okay, you can go now.

I'm only telling you what you already know, June.

No, I -- I wanted to be nice and polite and not hurt your feelings, but you've just gone way over the line and so, I have to... I have to --

You have to what? Are you afraid she's listening to us?


The Internet has just been born. June is its protector. Duncan wants to destroy it. Who will win? We know who. But how?

Production History

Reading — Theatre East, Wet Ink Series II (Watch it here!)